Sunday, March 09, 2008


Grr. Trying to catch up on blogging. Been having issues with the PC, suspect my new PSU, imagine that. Ah well. I did a bunch of work to document the KJ1K/R effort this past January 2008, but it got lost in the bit bucket and I'm too lazy to do it again. :- ) We went, had a good time. Need to work out a better way to coordinate multiple stations moving up the bands. I suspect the easiest thing is to work 'em all low, then ask the middle strength station to move up the bands. The thought being that conditions might improve for the weakest station. If condx decline, we'll get the QSO with the two stronger stations.

Stuff on my plate:
  1. MSP 430 - work on tutorials
  2. 10G - start contacting other 10G stations to set up skeds for June
  3. 24G - get the filter tuned up
  4. Build an assembly out of Sigurd's DDS-60 / Softrock