Some time ago, I bought a Verticom MTS1500-151-01 oscillator from the fine Southern California hams. I never got round to getting it going; too much to do elsewhere. Finally, I managed to order the pieces/parts from Digikey that I needed for WW2R's
Verticom driver board. Spent a couple days putting that together and getting it on the power meter and spectrum analyser.
Couple of things to note:
- The 78L05 is a small TO-92 device, not a TO-3.
- The power supply has 2 off-board regulators; an LT1086 and a 7808. Bollt those guys onto a very decent heat sink. I used a small aluminum square scavenged from something or other and it wasn't big enough at 2-1/2 inches by 2-1/4 inches. It got too hot to hold after about 15 minutes, but a small 12v fan made all the difference.
- My HP 432A measures +15dBm
- My HP 141T measures about +12dBm
- Use a 20dB pad!
- Spectrum looks very clean, but I need to cal my HP 141T...
11880MHz (approx)
0dBm reference
10KHz / division
23dB of attenuation in line